Community Engagement is at the very HEART of GOLDEN RULE REENTRY. The Golden Rule applies to ALL of us. Both Participants and Volunteers are rewarded by each other's presence and can engage at any level that's comfotable. There are many ways to get involved and support the work of Golden Rule ReEntry. Please check out this page and see where you would like to plug in.
VOLUNTEER!! | Offer a Class or Service Recommend a Book Join the Golden Rule Network (GRN) WAYS TO GIVE Make a Donation | Become a Community Sustainer Donate Stocks Legacy Donations, Real Estate, Automobiles Recycle for GRR |
VOLUNTEER! Our most rewarding offering. Our primary need is for community volunteers to do a shift at our Medford Drop In Center once a week. Get to know our Participants. No experience necessary. Build your resume while building community. We will train you on the following topics: active listening, how to be trauma-informed, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and more. If you love to help people, this is a wonderful experience. Other volunteer opportunities include event support, tabling, online research, being a community ambassador, birthday captain and more. Just like our participants, each volunteer will be treated as an individual with unique gifts to bring. Click the button to get started.
OFFER A CLASS OR SERVICE! Whether you are an individual or an organization, we are always looking for community members to offer a service or teach a class. Your generosity is removing a barrier to access, and your contribution is meaningful! Examples could be donated sessions like: life coaching, massage, hypnotherapy, somatic healing, space organizing, etc... or classes like: time management, smart phone basics, cooking, budgeting, etc... We will work with you to make sure that you are comfortable with the arrangement whether its a one time offering, a weekly or monthly session, one on one or a group. ZOOM and in-person are both utilized in this program. Click the button to initiate a conversation with our staff.
RECOMMEND A BOOK & WE'LL BUY YOU A COFFEE! Do you have a favorite book that you just wish someone else would read? Perhaps its a book that helps explain the world better, talks about trauma, give insights into the way people operate. Recommend a book to the Golden Rogue Book Club and if one of our Participants reads your recommended book, we will alert you and pay for you to get a coffee together to meet and discuss the book! We will start a gallery of coffee dates! To see a list of current Recommendations, Please visit the ROGUE SCHOLARS page once it goes live. Click the button to recommend a book as a founding member of the Golden Rogue Book Club.
JOIN THE GOLDEN RULE NETWORK! Perhaps you like the idea of helping out, but you're just not sure you want to commit. No problem! Join the Golden Rule Network and find out when we have a need. Prehaps its a piece of furniture for someone who just moved, maybe its a space for a meeting, a ride... If you see a need that you are comfortable fulfilling - you can be our hero and provide it! The Golden Rule Network will keep you in the loop on needs and events. Currently the Golden Rule Network is being conducted via our FACEBOOK PAGE. If you do not have a facebook page, but would like to be informed about GRN posts, please CONTACT US. Click the button to join our network.
Golden Rule ReEntry
2305 Ashland St, #C-350 Ashland, OR 97520 |
A donation that happens every month helps us know what we have to work with and builds sustainability and security into our programs. Any amount given on a monthly basis makes a huge impact. Click the button on the left and help us create a future where cycles of trauma are broken for good. |
Did you know that when you donate stock, you avoid the tax on the gain while deducting 100% of the value of the contribution? When you give stock, you may earn 2-3x the tax savings vs. donating cash. It’s a win-win for you and us. And now it’s fast, safe and easy to do. Golden Rule ReEntry has partnered with to enable our supporters to make stock donations in 10 minutes or less. Our DonateStock page enables you to donate stock from your brokerage directly to our account through a secure portal, making the gifting process fast, safe and easy. |
IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING A LEGACY, REAL ESTATE or AUTOMOBILE DONATION, we would love to speak with you. Please let us know how you like to communicate. Call us at 541-690-0745 or fill out the Hello Form and tell us how to reach you. You can always go straight to the Car & Real Estate donation portal by clicking the button on the left! You are making a difference.
RECYCLE FOR GOLDEN RULE REENTRY! Golden Rule ReEntry fundraises through the Bottledrop Center. If you are willing to donate your beverage cans and bottles to GRR, we will drop off blue bags and stickers direct to your door. You can take the bags to the BottleDropOnce or just call or text us to schedule a pickup! Its easy, its good for the environment and it helps us run our programs! If you already have a BottleDrop account, you can donate funds directly from your account to ours. For more information about what's acceptable for recycling, please visit BottleDrop Center's website at:
Golden Rule ReEntry is committed to being antiracist and understanding how implicit bias, racist policies and unexamined white privilege has led to disproportionate numbers of non-white people being incarcerated.
We stand committed to BIPOC advancement and leadership.
Golden Rule ReEntry is based in Southern Oregon and acknowledges that we are operating on the unceded land of the Shasta, Takelma, and many other recognized and unrecognized tribes who have had living relationships with the Southern Oregon region from "time out of mind" to now. We remain committed to dismantling the systems of oppression that have dispossessed Indigenous people of their lands and denied their rights to self-determination.
We stand committed to BIPOC advancement and leadership.
Golden Rule ReEntry is based in Southern Oregon and acknowledges that we are operating on the unceded land of the Shasta, Takelma, and many other recognized and unrecognized tribes who have had living relationships with the Southern Oregon region from "time out of mind" to now. We remain committed to dismantling the systems of oppression that have dispossessed Indigenous people of their lands and denied their rights to self-determination.